Current Hours:
Wednesday - Saturday 11am - 5pm
or by appointment
Please call: 828 963 4288
C E L E B R A T I N G 42 Y E A R S

Debbie Higdon
I love to travel and explore almost as much as I love to design and make jewelry. My company name, Creative Journeys, expresses a blending of these loves. With each trip I take, whether it is a hike in the mountains or a trip to a new country, I return to my Western North Carolina studio creatively inspired to incorporate these experiences into new designs. My logo, the spiral, is an expression of the “creative journey” as a process: As the spiral unfolds and grows from a central point, the piece slowly evolves from the initial design into a beautiful piece of jewelry with a life of its own.
The fabrication process starts with silver sheet and wire that are measured, cut, filed, hammered, and soldered to form the design. Texture is an integral part of my designs, as is the interplay of positive and negative space. Copper, brass or 14K gold accents are often used in a piece, as well as semi-precious stones to add sparks of color. I have attended numerous regional and national workshops. These courses have helped me to improve my technical skills, learn new design techniques, and exchange ideas with other artists. Continuing my artistic education helps me evolve my designs, so that my jewelry continues to be unique, elegant and easy to wear. I hope you enjoy wearing my jewelry as much as I enjoy making it!