Current Hours:
Wednesday - Saturday 11am - 5pm
or by appointment
Please call: 828 963 4288
C E L E B R A T I N G 42 Y E A R S

Kathleen Ryall
Kathleen Ryall was born in the Staffordshire pottery town of Burslem, England where many generations of her family were potters and ceramic manufacturers. Ryall earned a B.A. in art and design from the University of Cardiff, Wales and a M.A. in ceramics from Staffordshire University. She worked for several years as an industrial designer prior to opening her studio.
The industrial process of producing translucent porcelain is complex. Ryall’s training and background enables her to combine the technical versatility of the industrial process with the creativity of the artist. At the heart of her work lies a sophisticated design resulting in distinctive, elegant shapes for vases and bowls which are highly praised for their satin and opalescent finish and uncompromising quality.