Current Hours:
Wednesday - Saturday 11am - 5pm
or by appointment
Please call: 828 963 4288
C E L E B R A T I N G 42 Y E A R S

Kim Abernethy
North Carolina artist, Kim Abernethy, is a landscape painter whose work is often described as contemplative, and while she depicts nature, her goal is not to create a literal representation of the landscape, but to capture a mood. There is a beauty and quiet simplicity in the way she translates light and form onto the canvas. She focuses on those places left untouched and unspoiled by development. Pathways, waterways and clouds are favorite subjects of hers, which she returns to often. Kim has always possessed a heightened awareness of, and an appreciation for, the natural world. Much of her work is created “en plein air”. The experience of creating art outdoors connects her to the work and allows her to convey a strong sense of place and time in her paintings.
She expands on these experiences by using her plein air pieces to create additional, larger, works in her studio. Abernethy’s passion,
or as she might say “obsession”, for nature and art can be felt in her work.