Current Hours:
Wednesday - Saturday 11am - 5pm
or by appointment
Please call: 828 963 4288
C E L E B R A T I N G 42 Y E A R S

Lori Hill
I have been serious and passionate about making art for several decades. My work tends to be introspective and allegorical falling into different “series” with themes that overlap, reoccur, and never completely end. Currently, I am observing and working with patterns and colors that occur naturally in plant life and those sacred spaces I can go in order to gain perspective and peace. I layer media (printed paper, paint, ink) and then scratch, scrape and sand back into the layers revealing traces of images, symbols, patterns and colors underneath. Most often the elements are obliterated in the process. It is a very rewarding process and interesting to see how the work changes from start to finish.
I have worked as an art educator for more than thirty years, teaching at Watauga High School where I developed an AP Art Curriculum and started a Photography Program. I currently teach at Appalachian State University. I have a studio in Boone, NC and exhibit my work locally. I have enjoyed raising four children in this beautiful mountain area.